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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Many Thanks From Haiti

My trip to help and love the Haitians was all possible not only because of God but because of so many wonderful people in my life. I want to personally say "Thank You" to each of you that helped sponsor my trip or by donating towards the children's needs. The support I received was overwhelming and a huge blessing.
When I announced I was going to Haiti and that I would be accepting any donations for children's socks and underwear I immediately had donations pouring in. I love the amazing people in my life that are so giving and caring, thank you guys! This is just what was donated to myself alone. This does not include what the others in the team brought. Thank you again to everyone that donated!
Sorry for the poor picture quality.
It is truly amazing what God can do! Donations came from all over the place! Before I had even started this blog I had "met" Bri: Swashbuckle & Flow by participating in a blog Christmas ornament exchange last year. When I posted a pic on my Instagram of a donation I received she emailed me wanting more information. I told her I was taking the kids socks and underwear because they were in severe need of them. Without hesitation she emailed right back and asked if it would be ok if she had her little ones color pictures to send with their donation for the kids. Absolutely!! So I received socks and underwear all the way from Minnesota to Oklahoma to take to Haiti. I received the package and tears of happiness just flowed. I loved the blogging world before I was even a part of it! Thanks Bri!!!
The girls I chose to give the pictures to. I told them the story of the kids from Minnesota coloring them just for them. They started asking lots of questions about Minnesota and the United States.
We were asked to bring socks and underwear because of the extreme amount of children that have been sexually abused. Without underwear a lot feel vulnerable and unprotected. Heartbreaking.
Once we were there we were able to separate all of the donations at the CAD orphanage for the girls and boys. The kids were sent in by age. This was by far the most touching experience for me personally while in Haiti. I will be honest and say it was nothing like what I expected. The girls would try to pick different packages of underwear and socks. They preferred the thick plain white crew cut boy socks over the colorful girl socks that we all thought they'd want. I was a little taken back by this and thought...how could they not be just so appreciative?!
After passing out the items we were told that the kids have mostly only owned ONE pair of socks and TWO pairs of underwear their ENTIRE lives. This hit me hard, really hard. No wonder the girls were trying to pick packages with more panties in them and thicker socks that would last longer.
We had enough to give eighty-one children an entire package of socks and underwear! We actually had more than enough and were able to leave some to be given out later. How amazing is that?! God is so good!
After the kids went through the line we had several of our team members outside to say a prayer for each one. Side note, Miss Ruby pictured below is 76 years old and was such a trooper on the trip!! You would've never guessed she was 76! Such an awesome woman of God!
These two little girls were right beside me the whole week. I wanted to literally give them both everything I owned. It was an incredible experience being able to provide the very small necessities to them.  
I am a very emotional woman and I prayed for months before the trip that I wouldn't just cry the entire time I was there.  I did pretty well until it was time to give out the donations. It was a very special moment.
Afterwards all the kids disappeared and we thought they went to maybe put the stuff on but they came back and they had all gone to hide the items. Talk about giving me a reality check and suddenly I appreciated everything I have so much more. The amount of things I own is absurd after I experienced this.
Thanks again to everyone that supported, donated and prayed for me and my team members. This is one experience that I will never forget nor that will never leave my heart!
"Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, "Go in peace; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about their physical needs, what is good is it?" James 2:15-16
For more information on sponsoring an orphan in Haiti visit Chasing Eden
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