This weekend we began a new sermon series at Life.Church that I have been anticipating for awhile. This series focuses on direction in our lives that God wants for us. Are you asking yourself 'What should I do?" or bet are asking God what you should do? I know I am so I'm more than thrilled to dive headfirst into Divine Direction.
A couple of weeks ago Craig Groeschel, our pastor at Life Chruch, announced his new book that had just been released to go along with the series, Divine Direction. I have read most of Craig's books and have loved them so I knew this would be one I'd certainly be purchasing. After church I went to buy my copy of the book when I was told it was buy one get one free to give away! I was so very excited because I knew this was a series that I was being led by God to share on my little space here. So, when I found out I was getting a copy of his book to give away to one of you I was even more excited! With that being said, the series started this past weekend and will go for three more weeks. I'm starting the book tonight so after I share about this first lesson I would love for one of you to follow along with me!
Divine Direction
God Cares About
Instead of asking 'what does God want me to do?' We should be asking 'Who does God want me to become?'
Putting who before do and why before what.
"God's will is for you to be holy..." 1 Thessalonians 4:3
I know I find myself asking that very question to God all the time...ahh God what should I do?! So this was a slap in the face to think I can't remember the last time I really asked God what he wanted ME to BE. God will show us the answer to what when we become who he is wanting first.
"You may think everything you do is right, but the Lord judges your motives." Proverbs 16:2
If we are out there serving others but deep down only doing it because we want people to think highly of us, then God is going to question that. We are serving but with the wrong motives which is defeating the purpose.
"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galations 1:10
"And whatever you do, whether in word or dead, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17
If you're becoming the right who, God will help you choose the right do. If you're driven by the right why, God will lead you to the right what.
Whatever you do, do it for God. In your job, in your home life, in your volunteer work, do it all for God. It is not about us, it is about conforming to Jesus and he'll guide us.
As I mentioned I would LOVE to give one of you a copy of Divine Direction! If this is speaking to you and you want to follow along with the series with me then please let me know! I definitely want the copy of the book to go to someone that is feeling led to read the book and follow along while trying to find out who God wants them to become. If that is you, please shoot me an email or comment below and I would love to get the book to you!
I only have one extra copy so it will be first come but if you are interested in purchasing Divine Direction you can do so here.
AND even if you don't have the book I plan to do a weekly recap of each series part here and would love for you to still follow along! Let's find who God wants us to be so we can be shown what he wants us to do, together!

I would LOVE to read the book. I lost my mom last year & it's made me re-think all about my life & what direction I should take. It sounds like a GREAT book. :)