If anything can bring me out of a major blogging hiatus it is BIG news that I want to share...
I'm going to be an aunt again!!! I am so happy to announce my older sister, Amber and her husband JD are pregnant! As I sit here and type this post tears of happiness stream down my face. I'm completely overwhelmed with how amazing and big our God is.
This has been a long road for my sister and JD and we are all so thrilled with the news that our family is growing. No offense to any of my other family or friends that are mommas or that made me an aunt but I have never cried happier tears than when we found out Christmas evening that baby Miller was on their way! Without sharing anything too personal we have all prayed for this baby for a very long time. This is just a true testament that God works on his timing and his timing only.
Christmas evening we were celebrating with my family and my sister and brother in law's house. We had just opened all of our gifts when my sister and niece Jada said they had one more game they wanted us to all play. Amber had two boxes and Jada passed out these scratch off little Christmas cards to everyone. We were told to scratch from left to right and all at the same time. If we matched the three Christmas ornaments then we won one of the gifts. So I have two of my ornaments scratched, and matching, when my mom starts FREAKING out! I was thinking 'Oh my gosh, what did she win because I am about to win too!?' Then my little sister starts screaming and I got to the last ornament that read "Baby Miller Arriving August 2018." I lost it, just bent over bawling tears of joy and praise to an amazing God for bringing us all this miracle.
A lot of you might not know but Kyle and I don't have kids, nor does my little sister Caileigh and then Amber and JD have my niece and nephew Trey and Jada which are my sister's step kids of course. So, this will be the first blood grand baby for my parents and the first time my sister and I are an aunt by blood. My parents have been waiting for this day for a very long time as we all have of course but they were on another level.
You can see from the video below how excited we all are...I'm not in it because I ducked down crying as soon as saw it on the card haha!
"For this child I have prayed." 1 Samuel It was an amazing Christmas and will be an even better 2018! Congrats sis and JD, thank you for making me an aunt again, I can't wait to meet you Baby Miller!

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