Thursday, August 14, 2014

What I'm Up to in Verbs

Just a few things going on in my life lately...

Making: Baby shower decorations! I am hosting a baby(s) shower at my house Saturday along with several other friends for two good friends. 

Cooking: I am loving anything and everything that screams fresh and homegrown. Love this time of year for all the fresh veggies and fruits.

Drinking: Sparking ICE drinks, seriously I am addicted. Anyone else loving these carbonated, zero calorie yummy drinks? I don’t drink pop so these are a great little treat.

Reading: True Love By: James Patterson

Wanting: My new camera that I am anxiously awaiting to purchase. Ah soon!

Looking: For a baby pink long sleeved Piko top. I know this isn’t a fall color but I want it dang it! Has anyone seen one?

Playing: These three songs I have been playing constantly for the past few weeks-
Rollercoaster: Luke Bryan
Me without you: Jennifer Nettles
How could I want more: Jamie Lynn Spears

Wishing: For more time in the day. Is it just me or does life seem SO busy lately?! And I don’t even have kids!

Barre classes. My gym has started holding a few classes and I decided to give it a try last week. I was a little nervous since I have never in my life been a ballerina but really it was a lot of fun and that did not matter at all. Definitely a workout!

Liking: The very unusual cool temps we’ve had here in Oklahoma. I mean really, is this August?! I am not complaining one bit. I’ve been spending lots of evenings in my hammock and enjoying dinners on the patio.

Wondering: Just how my future is really going to plan out. I tend to worry…

Following: I’ve been following Jacqui at Baby Boy Bakery through her journey in life in surviving a loss of their child and is still choosing to live on. She is super inspiring, strong and a true woman of faith.

Noticing: That my fall fever is about to be in full force. With about two and half weeks until the first OU football game I absolutely know that once I put on my game day outfit and head to Norman it will all be over and I will want fall to arrive more than anything!

Knowing: I have about 30 things I must accomplish tonight. Might be a late night with an early morning wakeup call tomorrow.

Thinking: I really need to spend the day in the pool this Sunday. Summer is almost over and I have not had near enough time bronzing myself. I look pretty white for this little Indian.

Feeling: Refreshed but worn smooth out if that makes sense. Just got my booty kicked at the gym.

Bookmarking: I bookmarked this verse yesterday-
“So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you. Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God has great plans for us in Christ – eternal and glorious they are! Will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does.”  1 Peter 5-11
LOVE this reminder from our God to keep pushing forward.

Opening: Nothing fun…mail…bills and junk mail. Boo!

Giggling: At myself. I literally just set out all my summer nail polishes that I must use before the end of summer.

Feeling: Anxious and I’m not exactly sure why. I keep finding myself anxious for the next chapters in life. Those chapters that I don’t even know what are. Maybe with a new season approaching I’ll be more at ease.

Praying: For the unknown and for all the women in my life that are carrying precious babies that will be born soon!

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