Monday, August 18, 2014

Showering the Babies!

Babies, babies, babies all my friends are having them! Well, not all but several are. I have talked about how a group of us girls that have all been friends since high school get together monthly for a girls night. Two of the ladies in the group are both expecting bundles of precious joy in the next couple of months.
One of them, Jennifer, literally has miracle pregnancy and it is completely a God thing. Not that every pregnancy isn't already a God thing but her precious baby girl is for sure straight from God. This is her fourth girl and has been told for years that she wouldn't get pregnant on her own...BAM God is awesome!
The other is my best friend of 27 years, Megan, and is she having her third precious boy that was also definitely given specially to her and her husband from God. I can't wait to be "Aunt Kristen" to little mister next month! That is if he doesn't grace us with his presence sooner!
Megan, myself and Jennifer at my house
Saturday afternoon I hosted a shower for these two ladies at my house along with the other women of the group. Being the third and fourth for them they both said "they didn't need a shower" but we wanted to celebrate with them!
Part of the spread, a premature picture oops

I threw this strawberry cake together not thinking you wouldn't be able to actually see the pink haha and after the first one burning to a crisp in one minute in a malfunctioning oven. literally, it was great. Not.
I was pretty excited to have an excuse to make this garland. I had seen one for sale at local boutique for a whopping twenty-five dollars last month and I just knew I could do it. It was so simple and fun and I spent a total of three dollars on mine! (Plus the mini cake garland I also made.)  I will be posting how I made this DIY garland this week.
I got the babies monogramed blankets, cause how could I not?! Everyone needs their monogram on stuff everything.
Love this woman and so incredibly thrilled to be celebrating her third baby with her!
It was such a fun time spoiling these mommas along with their soon to be here lovies! We didn't get a group picture before some left but here is most of us.
 Sorry for the un cropped pics. I am posting from my work laptop at home and can't figure out how to.
How was your weekend? I spent the rest of the weekend running errands, relaxing in the pool and ending it with church and cooking a big Sunday roast dinner.
Image Map

1 comment:

  1. wow!!! good job!! everything loooks amazing!! you are so crafty and i can't wait to meet you at the end of the month! you are on my schedule!
