Monday, December 5, 2016

Weekending: Big 12 Champs, Christmas Gala and Tree Decorating!

Ah man, Monday. Raise your hand if you have the Monday blues because I sure do. However, only 9 more workdays for me until after the first of the year so the blues aren't too thick! This weekend was fast but good. Friday Kyle and I went to a local pub for dinner and then to look at Christmas lights for a little bit afterwards, low key and perfect since we had an early morning on Saturday. 

We headed to Norman bright and early Saturday for the big Bedlam game. If you aren't from Oklahoma our state is divided between two big college teams, really three, but two for the rivalry. Oklahoma Sooners and Oklahoma State. We of course are big Sooner fans and the game this year was at OU. The weather was less than favorable so we dressed in many many layers and thank goodness Kyle has two really good fishing rain suits that we wore. I'm so glad Kyle talked me into wearing the suit despite it being big and making me look like a firefighter, it kept me very warm and dry. It rained the entire game and neither one of us had a drop of water on our clothes afterwards when we took the suits off. AND the Sooners won!!!! This is OU's 84th bedlam win and our 10th Big 12 Championship title! BOOMER SOONER!!! We're headed to the Sugar Bowl on January 2nd, get ready Auburn!
After the game we grabbed dinner at one of our favorite taco shops and did a little Christmas shopping and then headed back home. 
 He did such a good job helping me with the tree!

Mom and I at the beginning of the Gala, she looked so pretty!
 Little stinking cutie! 

 All of us having fun at the Gala!

 My mom and mother in law twinning! So I got them both this sweater a few Christmases ago. When we got to the church I told my mom, wouldn't be funny if Leslie was wearing her's too. Sure enough!

 My sister in law with my niece and her mother in law.

 My mom and I after the gala. I LOVE my dress, even though it looks a little frumpy here.

Yesterday after church and lunch we finished decorating our tree and I cleaned the house before attending a women's Christmas gala that evening. Me, my mom, mother and sister in law, sister in law and her mom, Kyle's aunt and my sister in law's mother in law (whew!) all went to my mother in law's church's women's Christmas Gala. It was a lot of fun to be with everyone at such a festive event. 
Haddock was like Mom, no it is too cold. I'm not getting outta bed!
We wrapped up the weekend with a little DVR catching up by our lit beautiful trees. PS, who else is obsessed with This Is Us?!! So good, right?!

Image Map

1 comment:

  1. How funny that your mom and MIL were twinning!! Great minds :) Sounds like it was a really festive weekend!! Happy Monday girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
