Monday, June 8, 2015

My Trip to Mexico

Ah this Monday is extra hard since last Monday I was relaxing on the beach in Mexico. I spent five days in Cancun with my best friend relaxing and by Friday when we arrived home we were relaxed, sunburnt and appreciative of the USA! 

We stayed at the Grand Park Royal in the heart of Cancun on hotel row and it was mostly wonderful! The first afternoon we arrived it was rainy but that was ok we just hoped right in the hot tub and relaxed there until it was time for dinner. The next three days the sunshine definitely met us! We were a little afraid we were bringing the Oklahoma rain to Mexico with us but after that first afternoon we were good to go. 

We both didn’t take many pictures at all, but I guess when you’re having so much fun you don’t have time to be taking pics. Also, we were a little hesitant to be carrying around our phones and I definitely was nervous to have my camera with us. Neither did I want to have to replace after the trip!

I’ll do a short recap and then let the pictures show our trip…

Monday we arrived and like I said it was rainy so we hit the hot tub up and had “dinner” I saw that loosely because the one complaint we had about our resort is the food was awful! We were too late to make reservations at the restaurants so we had dinner at the buffet. But it was mostly picked over and just very weird combinations of food choices, and no we are not picky eaters! So we decided to order room service. I took one bite of the “burger” and ate one of the five fries I got and said “Nope, I can’t do it!” It tasted like beans and maybe, dog? She couldn’t eat hers either but we were so exhausted that we just went to bed. 

Tuesday, we decided we wanted to book a couple of excursions. That morning we booked a jungle tour for that afternoon and a catamaran trip for Wednesday.  I was a little nervous because when Kyle and I went to Playa they would come pick us up and drop us off at our resort for the excursions. This place we had to actually take the city bus to the different locations. Spoiler alert: we survived. It was actually really easy and the bus drivers were super helpful. I had a map and just made sure and told them when we needed to get off and they would let us know when we had arrived at our stops. First stop, the jungle tour. This trip allowed us to drive our own boat with just the two of us, following other boats and a guide, to a reef where we snorkeled. My friend Melissa drove since she had never driven a boat before, she rocked it! The reef was beautiful and we saw a lobster! After getting back to the resort we enjoyed the pool a little before it was time for dinner. That night we ate at the Mexican restaurant that offered a beautiful view. I will say, I’ve never been to a restaurant were they handed me a tequila shot when I walked in the door. I was way too big of a baby and just took a sip…the waitress did call me out. 

Wednesday we got up early actually we got up pretty early every morning we were there, surprisingly. That morning we had a big breakfast and then caught the bus to the marina. We were on the boat for seven hours and we were able to snorkel, visit Isla Mujeres, have lunch, enjoy the sun (so much sun, we got so burnt even while using sun screen). The water was very rough so it was so tough to snorkel cause we spent most of the time just trying to stay about the waves. I loved being able to visit another island and we met a nice couple on the boat ride that we were able to share a golf cart rental with. We were able to shop in the market a tiny bit and then spent time just site seeing around the city. I was desperately looking for a street taco stand but all the ones I was told about weren’t open for the day yet, major bummer! I was also able to try out what they called a spinacur on the boat. Probably not the smartest thing I’ve ever done but basically I sat on this rope, no lifejacket, while they pulled me spinning into the air on a parachute. I basically screamed the whole twenty seconds I was in the air then jumped off the rope. Right before it was my turn to jump off the boat, try to catch this rope to sit on and then get swung up into the air all while praying for my life, the nice gentleman told me a guy had broke his back and died the summer before on it. Yep, I still tried this lovely Mexican contraption. YOLO, right?! haha I lived and it was fun to say I did it! On repeat, arrived back to the resort to enjoy more pool time then dinner that evening. 

Thursday we spent the entire day on the beach and at the pool. It was so nice to have our last day just to relax at the resort…and after a few too many coconut rum and pineapple juices I was glad we were staying there. We played poolside bingo, met fun friends and tried to hookup the bartender with the girl running the bingo game. Ohhh vacation! That night we had dinner at the oriental restaurant which was ok until a HUGE cockroach crawled across the floor, ok bye we were OUT of there!  We capped off our last evening on the rooftop bar listening to people at karaoke. 

Friday was our travel day home which I think we were both somewhat ok with because our old roommate and good friend Becca had her precious baby on Thursday evening was we were very anxious to meet her! All in all it was a wonderful trip and I’m still catching myself saying aloha and gracias!

I guess that wasn’t the shortest recap but that was our trip and here it is in pics…  

 We were so fancy in first class!
We were greeted with roses at the airport 
 The view from our room

 Tuesday night's dinner....also the only night we fully got ready and actually took a pic.

 Our Catamaran Trip

 See that rope was tiny and I was just flying around and no lifejacket remember...You only live once ha!

 Riding on the back off the golf cart touring Isla Mujeres

It was fun Cancun!
Image Map


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't believe you did the makeshift kite on a rope! Go Kris!

  3. What a fun beach vacation! Glad you got to experience this with your best friend!
