Monday, May 18, 2015

Traveling Across Idaho

Helllloooo Monday, yay! Yay for another Monday after another weekend of working. Yay. Ah ok, rant over. So, on Thursday I traveled to Idaho for work and flew back home yesterday afternoon. I always dread my trips to Idaho because it is so hard to just get there from Oklahoma. Thursday I had to be at the airport at 3:45 AM and after 12 hours of travel and three flight legs later I made it to Boise. THEN we had a two hour drive to Twin Falls, Idaho where I spent the next two days working and doing a little sightseeing. I'm not going to lie, I thought Twin Falls was going to be a little blah looking with a couple of waterfalls. It didn't disappoint on the view we had. Friday afternoon we had lunch at Elevation 486 after Karli from September Farm recommended it. We sat on the patio that overlooked Magic Valley and the Snake River, it was pretty amazing. The view was spectacular and the food was great too, I recommend it as well if you are the Falls area.

Saturday evening we headed back to Boise so we could catch our flight home early Sunday morning. My boss and I were looking for a new place to have dinner and were recommended 10 Barrel Brewing Co. in downtown Boise. As we are sitting there waiting for a table I glanced up and saw a dad chasing his little girl around and thought oh they look familiar. SMALL world, they looked familiar cause it was Karli's "Farmer" and daughter from September Farm {same girl who had just given me a recommendation for Twin Falls} I recognized her and went over to introduce myself. I couldn't believe it, being from Oklahoma and she's from outside of Boise that I would randomly just run into a fellow blogger in a town of 215,000+. It is so fun to meet people when read about their lives forever then its like they're real! It was great meeting you Karli! And because I am a terrible blogger I didn't even think about getting a picture together, blogging fail. OH and 10 Barrel Brewing was fabulous! It would've been much better if I wasn't dieting but it was still so yummy!

Last night as soon as my flight got in I met Kyle at church and afterwards I was starving! I mentioned picking up dinner when he told me he had dinner prepped and ready to be grilled. After 12 hours of traveling I was one happy and thankful wife! While he grilled dinner I relaxed in my hammock, we ate on the patio and then finished the evening with a bike ride together.

I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend! I'm definitely looking forward to Friday already and having a weekend off plus Monday, yay!

Image Map

1 comment:

  1. Girl. Love that your Idaho trip wasn't so bad after all! Twin certainly isn't the best, but Boise is lovely! Please please let me know next time you're in town!
