Monday, June 23, 2014

Apple Snickers Salad...Mind Blown!

This weekend I had a party to attend that was a potluck. I knew I wanted to use a new recipe, something that I wouldn't have to bake and heat up my house with the oven for and something fun. Searched my Pinterest, of course, scrolling through and bam Snickers Apple Salad. What?! Apple and snickers together?! Ok sounds yummy, cool and well fun!
This recipe was so easy to throw together and what better way to celebrate the first day of summer?
1 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1 cup powdered sugar
1 (12 ounce) container Cool Whip, thawed
6 Snickers candy bars
4 -6 granny smith apples (or whatever apple you like, but wouldn’t recommend a soft variety)
Mix cream cheese and powdered sugar until thoroughly blended.
Fold in Cool Whip.
Cut Snickers into bite size chunks and add to cream cheese mixture.
Chop the apples into chunks and stir.
Chill 1 hour before serving.
Chilling for a long period of time (such as overnight) will result in a runny salad.
Recipe from
I added a tablespoon of lemon juice to the cream cheese mix to help keep my apples from turning and also to help with the runniness. I used 5 apples and 6 candy bars and I think next time I will use one more candy bar or cut them into smaller pieces to up the chocolate per bite ratio ;) I, of course, was running late so I was only able to chill it for about 30 minutes and it was still delicious!
"Apples AND snickers?!" ..."What is exactly in this?" This is mostly what I heard when I first arrived with it. Well, I left with almost an empty bowl  and got lots and lots of compliments. Success, cheers to the beginning of summer!
You can find the recipe here on my Pinterest: Apple Snickers Salad

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