Monday, May 8, 2017

Weekending Outside!

This weekend we had the most gorgeous weather here in Oklahoma and we took full advantage of it! We kicked off the weekend by celebrating Cinco De Mayo with delicious mexican food and a couple margaritas followed by another couple of drinks on the patio when we got home. It was the perfect start to the weekend. 

Saturday we had full day of fun! We started off the day with picking strawberries at a local garden, it was a nice way to slow down and just relax even though it was kind of a lot of work! I'll share more on the picking tomorrow. Afterwards we headed to a local rose festival which I snagged a few bags of local veggies, ah I love this time of year - fresh eats! Then we continued on to the another local food truck festival. We had a little Cajun and Greek and then headed on out of town to the lake. Kyle went fishing on Sunday so he wanted to see how the lake was since we just had a ton of rain here. A quick walk around the lake with Haddock and we were back on the road headed home to watch the Derby! We watched the race at a local pub on their patio and then headed on to our next few stops to run errands and ended the night with dinner on a patio again. The weather was too perfect not to spend the whole day outside!

Sunday I cleaned the house and got ready for the week while Kyle went fishing. We finished off the day with church and then dinner once again out on a patio. It was a great weekend and one that made this morning extra hard! Image Map

1 comment:

  1. I love picking strawberries! It's such a fun spring/summer activity. Jess at Just Jess
