Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Favorites!

Thank goodness this week is almost over! It has been a weird week for me...I was off work Monday since I arrived back from a work trip in Alabama on Sunday. Tuesday I came down with strep throat and the rest of the week has been history. I'm ready for a good weekend to make up for the crummy week! I'm excited to spend time with friends and family and praying for the meteorologists to be wrong and we wont have any tornadoes here in Oklahoma to ruin plans! Now here are my five picks for the week.
ONE: Office Makeover Inspiration

Our current office has been Kyle's office and I typically work from the kitchen table on projects. However, Kyle is moving his office to downtown soon and I'm officially taking over the home office! It will be nothing short of lovely and chic. Here is my inspiration as I patiently await his move!

TWO:: Draper James

Have you guys seen Reese Witherspoon's new line, Draper James? I love her collection and I wish I could just buy it all right away! I'm definitely swooning over these sunglasses. I'm not going to lie, she's my girl crush and I'm excited to see her line expand.

THREE:: Pineapple Margarita

If you read my Cinco De Mayo post you saw that we made pineapple margaritas and they were delicious! These will definitely be on repeat this summer!

The recipe goes something like this. 1 cup tequila,  1/2 cup triple sec, about 8-10 freshly squeezed limes, 1 cup pineapple juice, 1 cup pineapple orange juice. Mix together and pour over ice and garnish with lime and fresh pineapple. The fresh pineapple slice didn't make it to ours but will next time!

FOUR:: It's Becca's Birthday!!

My dear friend Becca turned thirty today! Happy Birthday sweet friend, I can not wait to see you and baby A's bump tomorrow! Becca and I met through a bible study our freshman year of college and have been friends ever since. We were roommates for a few years and have been in each other's weddings and now I can not wait to see her also become a mother soon! Beeca, you will be a wonderful mom and I'm so excited to see all the exciting times 30 brings you, love you girl!

FIVE:: The Most Loving Woman I Know

I realize this might not be the most attractive picture of me but I couldn't help but to share it. I love the true happiness this shows within all of us. This is my mom, little sister and I last year on Mother's Day. Mom, you are the most loving, supportive and caring person I know. People tell me all the time how I am a spitting image of you and I couldn't be more proud. Thanks for all the love, encouragement and support you have given me over the years. Thanks for giving me your strength, personality and love for cooking! ;) Happy Mother's Day and I can wait to celebrate YOU this weekend,  I love you mom!

Linking up today for Five on Friday!

Image Map


  1. I saw that Reese launched her site this week - the collection is too cute and so southernly (not a word) perfect! Love that office inspiration! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I love Reese, I had no idea about her line but now I have to check it out! Yuck so sorry you got strep, hope you are feeling better and hope the tornadoes stay away!

  3. Hope you are feeling better, I'm sure the pineapple margaritas helped. I'm off to check out Reese's new line, I love her style!
