Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Fiesta Like There's No Manana ~ Cinco De Mayo

Cinco De Mayo Header

Happy Cinco De Mayo! Last night we had fun celebrating with our favorite, black bean crunchy chicken tacos and a couple of pineapple margaritas! I had started feeling crummy yesterday but I didn’t want that to ruin our fiesta. Kyle has been begging me to make these tacos again, recipe found in this post, so we threw them together last night. Don’t let the recipe intimidate you, they are pretty simple and delicious!

I picked up an order of chips, salsa and queso from a local restaurant by our house and we had a little fiesta. I used this recipe from Little Baby Garvin for the pineapple margaritas.

The recipe goes something like this. 1 cup tequila,  1/2 cup triple sec, about 8-10 freshly squeezed limes, 1 cup pineapple juice, 1 cup pineapple orange juice. Mix together and pour over ice and garnish with lime and fresh pineapple. The fresh pineapple slice didn't make it to ours due to lack of energy I was starting to have.

I was thankful for Kyle's help because by the time he got home I was feeling terrible. I wasn't really able to enjoy the yummy tacos and delicious margarita but it was still worth it. I will definitely be having another round of margaritas when I'm over this crud.  How was your Cinco De Mayo? I hope lots of chips and salsa and a margarita or two were included in your day!

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