Friday, March 6, 2015

My Five on Friday: All "Heck Yes" Deserving!

Happy Friday y'all! Today as I link up for Five on Friday all of my favorites this week I think are worthy of a "heck yes!!!" The snow storm has moved out of Oklahoma and our forecast for the next week shows temps getting into the seventies, heck yes!!!, so I am looking forward to a nice weekend without the snow ruining any plans this week!
ONE:: Update on My AWFUL Toothache
If you have been following my posts the past few weeks, you'll know I am on day number 19 of an awful toothache. However; this morning after yet another dental appointment I might be seeing the light!! The golf ball sized cheek I have is suppose to be much better by tomorrow and then a follow up appointment Monday and I should be in much better shape. PRAISE THE GOOD LORD! I know most of you might not see this as a favorite you'd like to read about it but to me it is the best news! Sorry for the horrible pic but I needed to document the size after I left my appointment.
TWO:: My Niece's Basketball Season
My niece, Jada, just finished her second season in basketball... first "real" team season. We are so proud of her and how far she has come! Her team made it to the championship game and even though they came out with second place she, as well as her teammates, played really hard and really well. We love you Jada and we are so proud of you!!! Go Jenks!
THREE:: Oh Happy Day, Trader Joe's is Coming to Tulsa!!!!
I love Trader Joe's and I always stop in while I'm traveling but I am over the moon, so excited to have one here in Tulsa! I always get so jealous when I see someone post about a new great item they found at Joe's and now I can try every single item I want!! Usually limited to what I can bring home in a suitcase so bring on the salad mixes, fresh flowers, cold sauces and SO MUCH MORE, yay!!!!
FOUR:: Beach Vacation Booked!!
If you read my Friday post last week you saw that my best friend and I are planning a trip to Mexico to celebrate both of our thirtieth birthdays in June and our trip has now been booked! Cancun here we come!!!
FIVE:: Bloggish
I am so excited to be a part of this brand new website and organization. Bloggish is a website designed to organize bloggers into different categories such as: Lifestyle, Jesus, Fashion etc. These ladies have invited bloggers to be a part of their website and now readers can go to one spot to find great blogs to read! Their goal is to do all the research and find clean and encouraging blogs and organize them all in one space. Check out Bloggish at
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend as I am looking forward to mine...hopefully pain free and with beautiful weather! OH and don't forget to set your clocks forward on Saturday evening! Woohoo Spring!!
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  1. Yay for your tooth getting better! And yay for Trader Joe's! We just got TJ's a few months ago and it was a happy day indeed when I could finally get cookie butter and all the other good stuff! :) Enjoy your weekend!

  2. OMG that vacation sounds amazing!! I am sure you guys will have a blast :)
    Chelsea @
