Friday, February 27, 2015

Five Friday Favorites

Happy Friday from freezing and snowy Oklahoma! Today is our third snowfall for the week and temperatures are frigid but we can't really complain. We don't get a ton of snow here in the plains but when we do I really do kind of enjoy it. So...
ONE:: Beautiful White Capped Oklahoma
The other day when our second winter storm had just arrived I asked Kyle to take me down to my favorite road to snap a few shots. Well, this is one I ended up with and I just love it. I love it cause I was saying I enjoy when we are covered in white because it brings peace. I feel like the snow always brings a sense of calmness and peace, forcing people to slow down a bit in their busy lives and take in the beautifulness God provided us with. So, stay warm wherever you are this weekend!
TWO:: Trying to See the Light
If you follow me on social media, you saw this picture last night. This is a half favorite of mine this week. I am now on day 12 of a terrible awful toothache. Long story, but yes I have seen two dentist and praying for relief this weekend. Anyway, yesterday apparently was a pretty rough day cause I left the grocery store after work with these. I do love fresh flowers and since mine have since died from Valentine's Day I couldn't pass up these beauties to freshen up the house with a bit of the snow falls haha. AND I LOVE a Cadbury cream egg, oh my goodness! First of the season, want to make a bet on how many I end up with this year? Oh, that could be bad.
THREE:: Puzzle Time
I feel like eighty years old including this in my favorites this week but it is what it is. I had this weird urge to want to do a puzzle the last few weeks so I picked up one at Target. I figured Kyle would have nothing to do with it when I got it out one evening and started to put together the border. He quickly stopped his work and jumped in. It was fun to do together a few evenings but then he kinda took over and finished it. It was still fun and I thought about buying another but I'm afraid if I do that we might also start eating dinner at 5:00 haha!
FOUR:: OU Season Ticket Renewal

Source: SoonerSports
I renewed my season tickets yesterday and I can't help to wish away months but come on August!!!! BOOMER SOONER!

FIVE:: Cancun or Cabo?!

Me and my best friend are planning a trip for our thirtieth birthdays this June and for the life of us we can't figure out where to go or stay. We had originally planned Cabo but we've heard the beaches are rocky and the water is too rough to get in, true?! And so we started looking at Cancun. But we definitely want to pick the right resort. So what do you guys think? Who has been and would recommend resorts?! We want all inclusive for sure. Thanks guys!

To start with snow and end with the beach...that's pretty much where my mind is lately. I have a jam packed weekend with lots of fun plans so here is to the snow not running everything! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Image Map


  1. Stopping by from the link up. :) Those flowers are beautiful, & oh how I looove Cadbury eggs too!!! YUM!! Hope your toothache eases up soon!

  2. Snow is so beautiful--I LOVE that picture you posted! I have really sensitive teeth, so I feel your pain girl! Hope you are able to get it resolved soon!
