Thursday, January 29, 2015

Get To Know Me 100 Random Questions TAG

I was tagged to do a Q&A of one hundred random questions. Hopefully for those readers that I have that haven't known or been following me long will get to know me a little better. Or those that have known me forever, I hope you enjoy too! 

Q:  Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
A:  Closed, well our bathroom doors closed which lead to our closet.

Q:  Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
A:  No, usually they are so cheap that I just end up throwing them away anyhow if I do ever take them.

Q:  Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
A:  OUT! I can’t stand for my toes to be covered when I sleep

Q:  Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
A:  No, but I have been with people who have.

Q:  Do you like to use post-it notes?
A:  Yes!! They keep me so organized!

Q:  Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
A:  I love coupons! I cut way more than I normally end up using but I do still use some.

Q:  Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
A:  Is neither an option??

Q:  Do you have freckles?
A:  I have a few random ones. One on my left hand, one on right arm and a few other randoms.

Q:  Do you always smile for pictures?
A:  Yes, I look like I’m dying if I try to take a serious pic.

Q:  What is your biggest pet peeve?
A:   I have a few but when people just want to complain about something but NEVER do anything about it or to help themselves. AHH

Q:  Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
A:  Once upon a time I had a Fitbit that did that for me. Then I decided I don’t care how many steps I take, I want to burn more calories and count them. So, I sold the Fitbit and onto the Polar.

Q:  Have you ever peed in the woods?
A:  Yes, by force. Ha ha

Q:  Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
A:  All. the. time.

Q:  Do you chew your pens and pencils?
A:  No, do you know how dirty and gross that is?!

Q:  What size is your bed?
A:  Oh my, don’t get me started on this rant. It is a FULL with me and my husband sleeping in it. GRRR I refer to it as “our cot”.

Q:  What is your song of the week?
A:  “Ain’t worth the whiskey” – Cole Swindell

Q:  Is it ok for guys to wear pink?
A:  Yes! But only some guys, some just can’t pull it off.

Q:  Do you still watch cartoons?
A:  I sure do not.

Q:  What is your least favorite movie?
A:  Pretty much any movie with Adam Sandler or Will Farrell. Ah, so annoying. WAIT, except Elf, I love Elf ;)

Q:  Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
A:  I can’t tell!

Q:  What do you drink with dinner?
A:  Iced tea or water typically.

Q:  What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
A:  Ketchup at home (which is like never cause I don’t make them), ranch at Chic-fil-A and back in the day as a kid when I ate McDonalds sweet ‘n’ sour sauce.

Q:  What is your favorite food?
A:  Mexican or shrimp!

Q:  What movie could you watch over and over again and still love?
A:  Sweet Home Alabama

Q:  Last person you kissed/kissed you?
A:  Kyle, of course.

Q:  Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
A: Camp Fire Girl and hated it. My mom forced me to be a little camper and that was not my element, at all.

Q:  Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
A:  Umm well, NO.

Q:  When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
A:  I hand wrote a card to mail to a friend last week.

Q:  Can you change the oil on a car?
A:  Nope, Midas to the rescue.

Q:  Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
A:  Nope, just one ticket ever and it was for going through a yellow stop light. Bogus!

Q:  Ever ran out of gas?
A:  Unfortunately, yes.

Q:  Favorite kind of sandwich?
A:  Oh, I am a total sandwich girl! I LOVE sandwiches, so favorite? Hmm I do love a good deli sandwich from a sidewalk cafĂ©.

Q:  Best thing to eat for breakfast?
A:  I’m not big on breakfast so usually just keep it simple. Fruit and oatmeal or a smoothie.

Q:  What is your usual bedtime?
A:  Sometime between eleven and midnight usually.

Q:  Are you lazy?
A:  I try really hard not to be. I will consider myself not lazy!

Q:  When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
A:  A lot of different things! Favorite, one of the 101 Dalmatians.

Q:  What is your Chinese astrological sign?
A:  Umm, I have no idea. Anyone an Aires that can tell me? I don’t pay attention to that stuff.

Q:  How many languages can you speak?
A:  English (obviously), Spanish (but super super super basic)

Q:  Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
A:  I don’t currently. We had like five but they all ran out recently.

Q:  Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
A:  Hmm Lincoln logs.

Q:  Are you stubborn?
A:  Yes, oh my word yes.

Q:  Who is better… Leno or Letterman?
A:  Fallon

Q:  Ever watch soap operas?
A:  Nope!

Q:  Are you afraid of heights?
A:  Nope, I once jumped out of an airplane.

Q:  Do you sing in the car?
A:  Oh absolutely!

Q:  Do you sing in the shower?
A:  Not normally, in the morning it’s too early and my night showers I’m too worn out usually.

Q:  Do you dance in the car?
A:  Yes, and very badly!

Q:  Ever used a gun?
A:  Yes, but just out in the field. Not for a real purpose. I prefer not to touch guns.

Q:  Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
A:  A headshot for work.

Q:  Do you think musicals are cheesy?
A:  They can be but mostly no!

Q:  Is Christmas stressful?
A:  I try really hard to not let it be but it always ends up to be at least a little.

Q:  Ever eat a pierogi?
A:  but I keep seeing them all over Pinterest and have thought about it.

Q:  Favorite type of fruit pie?
A:  Apple! With a dollop of vanilla ice cream ;)

Q:  Occupation you wanted to be when you were a kid?
A:  Teacher, I had actual dreams about owning a desk and supplies in all.

Q:  Do you believe in ghosts?
A:  I do not.

Q:  Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
A:  Yep, such a weird feeling.

Q:  Take a vitamin daily?
A:  Yes, women’s one a day.

Q:  Wear slippers?
A:  No, remember I don’t like my toes covered ;)

Q:  Wear a bathrobe?
A:  Yep, everyday while getting ready.

Q:  What do you wear to bed?
A:  Tank and shorts or tank and leggings.

Q:  First concert?
A:  Sadly, I don’t remember. I have been to sooo many that I really wish I did remember. I think it was a country fest in my hometown with several different bands but I don’t remember for sure.

Q:  Wal-Mart or Target?
A:  No question Target, hands down.

Q:  Nike or Adidas?
A:  Under Armour

Q:  Cheetos or Fritos?
A:  Cheetos

Q:  Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
A:  Peanuts

Q:  Ever take dance lessons?
A:  Nope

Q:  Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
A:  Being a builder, oh wait almost like he is now ha

Q:  Can you curl your tongue?
A:  Nope

…this is really long….

Q:  Ever won a spelling bee?
A:  I suck at spelling. Like this is me

Q:  Have you ever cried because you were happy?
A:  Yes!

Q:  Own a record album?
A:  Nope

Q:  Own a record player?
A:  Nope

Q:  Regularly burn incense?
A:  I burn candles!

Q:  Who would you like to see in concert?
A:  Like I said, I’ve seen A LOT of people. So, currently I would like to see Miranda Lambert. Again haha

Q:  What was the latest concert you saw?
A:  Oh my goodness, Garth Brooks y’all!!! And yes, he was A-mazing!

Q:  Hot tea or cold tea?
A:  Cold, for sure!

Q:  Tea or coffee?
A:  Tea..I’m a coffee hater. Gasp, I know but I wish I liked it.

Q:  Sugar or snickerdoodles?
A:  Snickerdoodles and being warmed up just a little mmmm

Q:  Can you swim well?
A:  I can! Thanks to my momma for teaching me so well when I was very young.  

Q:  Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
A:  Can’t everyone…

Q:  Are you patient?
A:  It really depends on my mood but I try to be.

Q:  DJ or band at a wedding?
A:  Depends on the wedding but we had a DJ

Q:  Ever won a contest?
A:  A time or two

Q:  Ever had plastic surgery?
A:  Nope

…is this over yet???

Q:  Which are better black or green olives?
A:  GROSS, neither.

Q:  Can you knit or crochet?
A:  Neither

Q:  Best room for a fireplace?
A:  Living room but I would not pass up a fireplace in our bathroom someday

Q:  Do you want to get married?
A:  I am married!

Q:  If married, how long have you been married?
A:  2 years and 4 months today.

Q:  Who was your high school crush?
A:  haha I always had a boyfriend in high school so whoever my boyfriend was at the time. I say that like I had fifty, it was like two.

Q:  Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your way?
A:  No, how old are we?

Q:  Do you have kids?
A:  No, we do not.

Q:  Do you want kids?
A:  Yes I do, someday.

Q:  What is your favorite color?
A:  Pink

Q:  Do you miss anyone right now?
A:  Yes, yes I do. Lots! 

Ok, wow that was so long! It took me several attempts at coming back to it to finish but here you go guys! In case you wanted to know some very random things about me. And, I deleted a few that were plain stupid and still look forever! I hope y'all have a great Thursday!
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Price is Right!

I love a good sale and I really love deals with coupons! As I mentioned I really scored a great deal last week at Target. They offered 40% off their shoes one day only using the Cartwheel app. I ended up finding five pairs for $30.12 total! That’s right, five pairs of shoes all for the price of one pair originally!! I’ve had my eye on the suede black and gold booties and almost bought them for New Years. Then we decided to keep it low key so I passed. Snagged them for $5.48! The booties my best friend picked up for me at her local Target and I just love them! Target does it again.

Have you guys heard of the Find and Save app? This app allows you to put in your location and any time a store in your area posts a deal it will notify you. At first I was a little hesitant because I’m a tad OCD and can’t stand notifications turned on for my apps and I don’t really like to have location services turned on and this app requires both. BUT, I decided to give it a try and I haven’t been disappointed at all. It’s pretty new so not a lot of stores in my area have done it so it’s not constantly going off. I get about four a week on average. The deals last about 48 hours and then expire. How it works… for example this weekend Forever 21 put a deal up spend twenty dollars and get five back. So, of course I love that store and would easily spend twenty there knowing I had been eying a black leather clutch for $9.80.

After five hundred selfies with the self-timer, this is the best I got!
So, Saturday I went and picked up the clutch and this adorable pink ruffled shirt for $12.80. Total $24.16. I then submitted a picture of my receipt on the Find and Save app. immediately received an email saving they have received my submission. Within five business days they will credit my PayPal account five dollars. Ta-da! I would’ve spent the money anyways so why not score a deal! I do not use the deal if I am just spending money to be using the it but if I am planning on going to that store anyways, it is great! You can’t use it on the purchase of gift cards but besides that all mine have been approved for credit.

I recently also got a great deal on this 20 piece Rubbermaid set thanks to Find and Save. K-Mart, which I hadn’t  shopped at in probably twenty years, was having a sale on the set regularly $19.99 on sale for $6.99. I saw this posted by a local couponer on Facebook. Since I knew I had the Find and Save deal I snatched a set up. The deal was spend five dollars get five dollars back, making the set $2.80. Score!

Lastly, the past couple years I have ordered Kyle’s Valentine’s Day card online. I love the quality and being personalized I love them way more than any cheesy Hallmark card. They typically are between three and four dollars personalized and shipped. However, I’ve been lucky and found coupon deals for a FREE card. That’s right, I uploaded a cute picture of us and created an adorable personalized card for free! The deal has now expired but you can use the code “FREEVAL” for just a ninety-nine cent card at Cherishables. Kyle doesn’t read my posts so he’ll have no idea, no spoiler here! BUT just in case, I won’t share the pic of his card.

Do you coupon or do you have any great deals to share? I’d love to hear about anything I might be missing out on?

This post is not sponsored by any of the mentioned companies, I just love the great deals I found!

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Age in the Workplace

I was recently accepted into a leadership program were there are a wide variety of classmates in my class. Ranging from all ages and all levels of professional titles in the workplace. During our orientation for the program I glanced around the room, not recognizing a single person, and assuming by quick assumption of appearance I was the youngest or close to it in my class. We all participated in a networking icebreaker which consisted of talking to everyone to find out different characteristics of people, one example "Someone born after 1980." Well, I'm sure you can guess since I am nearing thirty I was pretty popular for this description on the list. I laughed it off not bothering me since well, it is true. However; I found it on my mind later after telling my husband about the evening.
I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in December of 2007 and started a full time marketing position the Monday after graduation. I say this to say I have been working in the professional world for a little over seven years now and have heard several remarks making it clearly obviously that I'm still considered "young in the corporate world." Ok, I understand seven years is not long and a few job titles later I am still young but this brings on the question, "At what age is one not "young" in the workplace?"
Most of the assumptions made of my generation is we are great to head up social media projects, easily roped into working long hours and weekends due to being young and in my case with no children, expect our titles to be handed to us and strive to take over the next generations positions. While I can agree with I do strive to be higher up in the professional world with a corner office, I am not out to take someone's position from out under them. I will work hard for my success and do not except it to be handed to me.
So, as my thirtieth birthday is in sight I am starting to feel a little older. Being in the next age range on the treadmill at the gym and checking that older age range box on surveys...when am I considered knowledgeable and credible in the workplace? I'd like to know what you guys think...both in my generation and outside. Kyle answered this by saying age is you agree? Let me hear your opinions!
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Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekending: One Well Spent

Welcome back Monday, you came so quickly. This weekend was pretty great. I’ve really gotten spoiled to being home and not traveling for work on the weekends…right when travel season starts again for me. I leave Friday for my next trip but as nice as it has been to be home weirdly I’m kind of ready. Anyways, back to this past weekend.

Friday, if you read my favorites post then you saw that Target was having 40% off ALL shoes with their Cartwheel app. The deal was Friday only so of course I headed straight there after work…and then to three more locations after that. What? It was a great deal and I scored some awesome finds. I’ll share what I got soon! Did any of y’all pick up any great shoes? Kyle and I then headed to run a few errands and to dinner. We were planning on going to the movies but I have this cold junk so I was just ready to go home after dinner.

Saturday, since I was trying to kick this cold I slept in a little and cleaned up the house while taking my time getting ready for the day. Kyle left early that morning to go fishing so I was able to catch up on the chores. I then took advantage of a few coupons I had and hit the mall before my girl’s night. I met up with the girls for dinner at Johnny Carino’s. Not my favorite, but I enjoyed the time with friends. I love that we all make time to get together every month!

After dinner Kyle and I went to see Taken 3 and oh my goodness it is SO good!!! We both agreed that it was our favorite of the three. If you are or not thinking about seeing it, see it!

Sunday, after we church we went to see my older sister and her family. Kyle is going to do a remodel for them on their bathroom so I got to see my niece! Afterwards we took an impromptu road trip to Tahlequah, a town about an hour and half away from us. We love to take Sunday drives and drive by lakes and through small towns. We have been to Tahlequah a million times but Kyle needed to buy a lake license on the way so that was our motive for our drive yesterday. 

We stopped into Sam & Ella’s Chicken Palace for a late lunch and early dinner. Not to be confused with salmonella, haha! I’m still not sure why it is called the chicken palace because they serve pizza and sandwiches but nonetheless it is delicious! If you are ever passing through Tahlequah, Oklahoma stop in at Sam & Ella's, anything you order you won't regret! After our bellies were full we headed back home to relax and get ready for the week. 

 On our drive back home, crossing the Lake.
I hope everyone had an amazing weekend is having a great Monday!PS I apologize for the absolutely terrible pictures, but you gotta go with what you have!
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