Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree - Our Annual Christmas Tree Farm Trip

Growing up my family always headed to a local Christmas tree farm where we picked out our “perfect” Christmas tree. It is a tradition that I loved and knew I definitely wanted to carry on. We would search up and down the rows of trees looking for just the right one which it never failed, my parents always ended up picking the shortest and fattest tree that no doubt would be leaning in the tree stand but it was our tree! We would get hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies and my dad would saw our tree down by hand. We never had a truck growing up so it would be strapped to the top of the car or shoved in the back of the van and off we went with our tree.

Since getting married, like I said, I knew I wanted to continue this tradition. Kyle and I have been married for three Christmases now and every one of them we have sawed down our own tree at the tree farm. Different farm from the one I spent childhood Christmases at but still so perfect. We get hot chocolate, sometimes even visit Santa and pick out a perfect tree. Since our first year we have always picked out a tall slimmer tree since I’m way over having a short, fat leaning tree! This year was no exception.
On the third day of Christmas we accidentally picked out a larger than normal a lot. It does fit in our living room though, barely. More on how decorating the tree went tomorrow! This year I skipped out on Santa due to a bitterly cold front that arrived while we were at the farm but all in all it was a perfect evening!
How about you guys, do you get a real or artificial Christmas tree?  For those of you like me that get a real tree here are some great tips on bringing home and taking care of your tree, Tips and Source: National Christmas Tree Association. I also have been told to add sprite or 7UP to your tree's water in prolonging it's lifespan. Do any of you have great tips on keeping your tree alive? 

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  1. What a fun tradition! I love real trees but we got an artificial one a couple of years back because my FIL and SIL were visiting and they're allergic!

  2. I have never had a real tree, but it looks like so much fun! And I'm sure the smell is amazing. I might have to try it next year. The only part I would not look forward to is putting on all the lights!
