Monday, November 24, 2014

Recapping My Weekend

I’m gladly welcoming this Monday, hello three day week! This weekend was a good one. Friday evening was spent Christmas shopping. I’m pretty proud of myself for getting such a good start on my shopping this year. Most years I don’t start until well into December so go me! Saturday Oklahoma got so. much. rain. I was certainly glad that I had ended up selling my OU/Kansas tickets since my friend was coming to town, it would’ve been a very wet game in Norman. After Melissa got into town we got ready and headed to dinner with my little sister Caileigh. My sister was sweet enough to drop us off and pick us up from the Eli Young Band concert that night. It was such a fun evening! Me and Melissa started going to see EYB years ago while we were in college. We would drive all over to see them in little small bars before they were bigger like they are now. We’ve seen them probably twenty five plus times and they are still so much fun to see! Sunday Melissa and I went to church, lunch and to Ulta to use the coupon that I posted about on Friday, again. My puppy Bleeker came to visit with Melissa and I got my fair share of cuddles, sorry for the overload of pics of him. I wrapped up the evening with grocery shopping and a movie with Kyle.

Y'all, seriously...Melt my heart!
Today is my little sister’s twenty first birthday! Caileigh, I hope you have had the best birthday ever! I’m so excited to celebrate with you and promise to be your driver soon now! ;) I love you sis!

I hope y’all have a wonderful and hopefully short week as well!
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  1. Dannggg, good for you on starting your Christmas shopping! We do a lot of secret santa gift exchanges in our family and have yet to knock those out so I'm still waiting around to begin haha!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! Such a cute puppy!
