Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Letting Go of Pressure...

I was on quite the roll with blogging daily, with the exception of weekends as the unspoken rule of blogging stops on weekends, until this past week. I just got busy and then busier and then set down to blog last night while lying in my hammock and just wasn’t feeling it. Instead I laid there and just listened to the sounds of nature while I tried to talk God into telling me what my future really holds. He didn’t so much buy into the convo…

Lately I have been trying to do better with not feeling pressured to do everything in life. Honestly it gives me anxiety to think I didn’t accomplish a task(s) at the end of the day. Now I am learning to step back and analyze what really should be accomplished and that I do not have to do everything that is thrown my way. If I don’t have time to blog then ok, if I don’t have time or didn’t want to make the recipe assigned to me in the recipe swap then ok and if I don’t want to finish a crappy book after I am a few chapters in then ok. {Which is REALLY hard for me to do, especially after starting it even if I really am not a reader.}

So, lately I’ve been spending an extra thirty minutes at the gym if I want to, or saying no to that four year olds birthday party that I’m just acquaintance with their mom anyhow allowing me to go to my nieces basketball game and you know what, maybe just maybe not dropping my life to make time for people that don’t put out the same effort. All things that are hard for me because like many other people saying “no” is just hard sometimes and I’m a bit of a people pleaser.

Cheers to making time for what you truly love to do and doing just that!

Image Map

1 comment:

  1. I think this is what life's about - really finding what makes you happy and doing that. There are so many daily expectations and the pressure from those are just terrible... telling people no and just trying to enjoy life is something I'm really working on.
